Sunday, March 24, 2013

Home Stretch of Hebrew

I have not been a faithful blogger, that's for sure. There are reasons for this - my kids are getting older and I love spending time with them and taking Greek and Hebrew has been quite intensive these last two years. Sometimes I don't feel like I have anything interesting to say, while other times I wonder if anyone ever reads this. But in the end, this is about me putting my thoughts down, practicing the art of communication even if it seems one-way ... I have struggled with Hebrew, but it is finally sinking in. The sheer number of vocabulary words has been daunting, but I'm getting the hang of translating basic passages. Judges and Jonah have been rewarding and Song of Songs quite challenging. It's only a few weeks more, now, so I attempt to buckle down and do what must be done. Learning Biblical languages is rewarding and I am humbled that God has given me both the ability and the opportunity to do this. I don't know how I will use these, but may it be for His Glory alone ...